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Business ready to work in partnership with Labour government

The UK's business groups have pledged to work in partnership with the new Labour government to revitalise the nation's economy.

The UK's business groups have pledged to work in partnership with the new Labour government to revitalise the nation's economy.

Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer is the new Prime Minister after leading the party to a decisive win in the General Election.

Shevaun Haviland, Director General of the British Chambers of Commerce (BCC), said:

'Congratulations to the Labour Party on their victory after a long and hard-fought campaign.

'The public have delivered them a clear and decisive parliamentary majority – hopefully they will use this mandate to provide the stability and certainty businesses crave.

'How we revitalise our economy was hotly debated throughout the past six weeks, and it is encouraging to see they have many policies which clearly align with our recommendations.

'But after a gruelling election the really hard work starts now. We need to see action from day one on pulling together a coherent industrial strategy for the long-term, which places a strong emphasis on harnessing green innovation.

'Closing the skills gap, growing exports, boosting productivity and harnessing the power of AI won't happen overnight.'

The Confederation of British Industry (CBI) also congratulated Starmer and Labour on their victory.

Rain Newton-Smith, CBI Chief Executive, said:

'Delivering sustainable growth should be the defining mission for the new government. Business stands ready to bring its innovation, ideas, and investment to make that shared mission a reality.

'Building a partnership for prosperity between government and business holds the key to unlocking a revitalised pitch to global investors.

'By working with business, the new government can deploy the capability and capacity of industry to deliver the connected transitions across net zero, the digital economy, and the future of work needed to put the economy on a pathway to sustainable growth.'

Internet link: BCC CBI

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